Your donations will be immidiately put to use.

How your donations will help ?.

Food donations

We aim to redistribute surplus food to those who are in need of it. If you have excess food from an event, party, wedding etc, please call our helpline, our volunteers will collect the excess food from you and distribute it among people who need it. The excess food will be checked for quality because lack of proper refrigeration and storage tend to spoil food.

Cloth donations

Many among India’s poor and underprivileged are short of adequate clothing. Clothes donation not only make lives of the underprivileged better but also promote the eco-friendly concept of recycling. In our urban homes, we have clothes that do not fit us anymore. As children grow up, they outgrow their clothes every year. So instead of storing the old clothes or throwing them away, donate used clothes because what is waste for you could be a resource for the less fortunate.

We will recieve your donations. We will do processes like sorting ,sewing if needed, tattered or torn used clothes are processed to make socks and other things.Clothes fit for use will get collected by our volunteers and then packed and transported for distribution to poor peoples.

Join hands to make a difference

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