Welcome to

Aadhar Foundation

Lead a movement towards zero hunger

We belive no child should go to bed hungry, and that food is essential.

About Us

Aadhar foundation is non-profit foundation, designing interventions to reduce hunger among underserved communities in India.

Our foundation helps hungry peoples by donating them meals. Main objective of our foundation is to reduce hunger among the our country. You can also donate clothes for needies. Because we know that food and clothes are needs.

We will serve meals and clothes as per the requirements of the beneficiaries and NGO partners across our area.


Today, 690 million people around the world will go to bed on an empty stomach. But your gift means that one less child will be at risk of starvation tonight. Whether you decide to make a one-off donation or set up a monthly gift, you can change a life forever today. Often, one meal at the right time will be enough to make a difference between life and death.

Lead a movement towards zero hunger

Your donation will be immediately put to use.

Lets start journey with us, You can donate us food ,clothes directly and in other way you can donate us money also as per your choice.Then we will inform it to our NGO's and volunteers for donating it to needies. Because you cant go there and hand out the food yourself,we do it for you.

Please send food to save a life today and join the fight against hunger.

Lastest Arraanged Programs in organization

Food donation program

We have arranged small food donation program for hungry peoples asking for food near Islampur. we have served about 20 packets and some grains donated by donators.

Cloth donation program

We have arranged cloth donation program for needies near Islampur.In this program we donated clothes which are old but usable. we have donated about 30-35 pairs donated by donators.

Upcoming Programs in organization

Food donation program in Sakhrale

We are going to arrange small food donation program for hungry peoples asking for food near Sakharale. we are going to serve about 2000 packets and some grains donated by donators.

Cloth donation program in Islampur

We are going to arrange cloth donation program for needies near Islampur.In this program we donate clothes which are old but usable. we are going to donate about 30-35 pairs donated by donators.

Become a Partner

You can join our Aadhar foundation as a helping hand for poors. As we knoe the condition of hungers in India, by becoming patner of our organization, it will become more helpfull and appreciable.

Contact us

Call us: (+91) 123 456 789
E-mail :: aadharfoundation@gmail.com
Working Hours: Mon - Sat (8.00am - 12.00pm)