ABOUT, OUR MISSION Make India hunger free

Our Mission | Vision & Plans

Our Beginning

The fashion and food industry has disastrous impact on the environment.In fact the Fashion industry is the 2nd largest polluter industry in the world.And the damage grows as the industry grows.By considering the high scale of production of clothes and foods.We concluded several problem due to it as Deforestation,Greenhouse Gase Emmisions,Waste Accumulation,Microfibers in Oceana ,major use of animals.Aslo some of the fibers like polyetser take upto 200 years to decompose.We decided to make people aware also to start initiative to donate excess food and old clothes ,So that their effective use will happen and production may reduce

Our Mission

Why Donation of Excess Food & Clothes is necessary

According to the United Nations Development Program, up to 40% of the food produced in India is wasted. In fact, according to the agriculture ministry, Rs. 50,000 crore worth of food produced is wasted every year. The world now consumes about 80 billion new pieces of clothing every year. This is 400% more than the amount we consumed just two decades ago.India ranks 63 among 88 countries in Global Hunger Index.In survey we realized that most the food is wasted in parties , events, functions. So,is there any solution that we can use our resources effectively? So our approach is Start the Donate Initiative so that we will help to reduce the pollution caused by the excess food and clothes and it help to the environment and also help to the needy people.

Want to conect with us

If you are a green lover you can connect with us by just Registering for partner. We will be happy to work with you.Even by donating you can get connect with us.

Our Office

Our organisation has main Office in Islampur Dist:Sangli,Maharashtra. Mostly we connect with people through calls and through website.

The drivers of the our mission


Voluteers are the most important, when it comes to collect or distribute donations.Volunteers are those who connect the entire society. Join our volunteer team , who work towards building communities where hunger and poverty doesnnt came in the way of bright future.


Your contribution will go on long way in ensuring a reliable supply of meals for our daily wager during current lockdown situation and after that also Join hands to make a difference.


We are in contact with NGOs to provide fodd and clothes to needies. We donate your donations to NGOs for further process , if we cant process it further.There are many NGOs are in contact with us.

Our Community

02 Volunteer
24 cities across india
55 Partners
58m+ Meals Served

Become a Partner

You can join our Aadhaar foundation as a helping hand for poors. As we knoe the condition of hungers in India, by becoming patner of our organization, it will become more helpfull and appreciable.